Business Kuopio



Talent City Index report follow-up workshop

Date: 02.05.2024

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss what can be done in North Savo to enhance attractiveness based on the conclusions and recommendations of the TCI report.
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Hub Panostamo’s afternoon coffee May 7th

Date: 07.05.2024

At Hub Panostamo's afternoon coffee on Tuesday 7.5.2024 at 14-15.30 we will have Jenni Ruuth as our guest, and she will tell you about sound management and how you can convince with your voice.
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Seminar: Artificial Intelligence – Perspectives, Legislation, Recommendations, and Ethical Responsibility in Teaching and Education

Date: 22.05.2024

AI requires new types of skills and changes professional expertise and education. How does education respond to what is happening with AI and skill needs? How does AI change work from the perspective of companies?
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Events by month