Business Kuopio


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The Kuopio region is home to business and research environments of high international standards. We offer businesses a constantly developing business environment combined with versatile education and research expertise.

Leverage the entire community of growth entrepreneurship in Kuopio and the extensive network of contacts of Business Kuopio. The business ecosystem in the Kuopio region is constantly evolving, and business environments are developed in close cooperation with companies. Multi-level cooperation is done on a national and an international level. Learn more about the business environment in Kuopio.

Use the network search below to find suitable business partners. You can use the multi-field search or tap a category.

Business Center North Savo

Business Center is a service network in North Savo with a mission to strengthen competences and international competitiveness of the region, its businesses and other organisations. Business Center helps both established and aspiring entrepreneurs to achieve success by offering tools for developing entrepreneurship and innovations, new services and products.

Business Kuopio

BusinessKuopio is a partner for businesses, bringing together the services provided by the City of Kuopio to companies and the support of an active partner network. The services of BusinessKuopio are aimed at Finnish and international businesses, startups and investors. BusinessKuopio supports a healthy business life by promoting business activities, developing business environments for companies and attracting investments and talent into the region. BusinessKuopio helps both new and growing businesses to develop and go international. We bring investments to the Kuopio region from Finland and abroad. Our vision is to be The best Nordic community for growth -oriented businesses.

Business Mentors Finland

Business Mentors Finland is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow and achieve their goals through mentorship. We are a national network of experienced entrepreneurs and business managers. We offer our competence and experience to support Finnish small business owners in solving their business challenges.

East & North Finland EU office

Follow up relevant EU policies and legislative developments and influence them according to the needs of East and North Finland.


EBAN is the pan-European representative for the early stage investor community established in 1999, gathering over 150 member organizations in more than 50 countries today. EBAN represents a sector estimated to invest 11.4 billion Euros a year and playing a vital role in Europe’s future, notably in the funding of SMEs. EBAN’s purpose is to create and lead the European business angel networks as well as individual business angels. EBAN supports e.g. young innovative companies, business accelerators and e-funding platforms and encourages the exchange of experience among early stage investors as well as “best practice”. Cooperation with EBAN will be carried out through different kinds of activities and events.

Emergency Services Academy Finland

Pelastusopisto – Emergency Services Academy Finland provides vocational education for firefighters, sub-officers, fire officers and emergency response centre operators in Finland. They also offer a wide variety of specially tailored further training and in-service training for national and international professionals in the rescue and emergency field. Pelastusopisto is responsible for the training and recruitment of Finnish experts to international civil protection missions.

Energy Cluster North Savo

Energy Cluster North Savo – North Savo region is witnessing the establishment of an extensive energy cluster in support of machine and metal industry, the key industrial sector and a major smart specialization focus in the region, with the objective to improve the international growth potential of businesses in the energy sector through innovation, services of research institutions and product development. The cluster will be established during 2020 -2021. Main actors in the project are Savonia University of Applied Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Navitas Business Services, and approximately 20 businesses in energy sector (also new companies are accepted to the project).

Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth

The aims of the Finnish Society of Telemedicine and eHealth are to promote the health of the population through telecommunication and to disperse the expert knowledge within health care. To reach the aims the Society will arrange seminars, lectures and presentations, courses and symposia, develop a functioning electronic communication system between the members, exert publishing activities, supports research within the discipline, formulate statements in issues dealing with telemedicine and have contact with other telemedicine organisations.

Finnish Sustainable Communities

Fisu (Finnish Sustainable Communities) is a network of Finnish municipalities committed to working towards becoming carbon neutral and waste-free and curbing overconsumption by 2050. The municipality, businesses and other local operators build a common vision and roadmap to achieving these goals. They identify new ways of working and cooperation. The idea is to strengthen the municipal and regional economy, to create jobs and to promote sustainable wellbeing.

Food Valley

Food Valley (Ruokalaakso) develops collaboration and network between educational, research and development organizations and food companies. They bring together expertise, needs and know-how by improving network-like behaviour between companies and organizations. Our operational model was created to allow improved co-operation and services between the organizations. One of our goals is to encourage companies and organizations to learn from each other but also from the customers, promoting synergy. The core function is to support the expertise of wellbeing promoting food production, development and processing.

GTK the Geological Survey of Finland

GTK The Geological Survey of Finland is a leading European competence centre on assessment and sustainable use of geological resources. They provide expertise that serves the interests of their clients, stakeholders and society as a whole. Working closely with clients and partners, GTK creates solutions that lead to new technologies and business areas, as well as promote sustainable growth.

Human Security Finland

The national network Human Security Finland (HSF) aims to recognise the needs and trends in developing countries. Finnish companies (around 70) and experts are encouraged to target their activities to create a framework that can promote cooperation in developing countries and crisis regions. Activities incorporate education, business and research into the framework of human security. Human Security Finland promotes export and internationalisation of the companies together with Team Finland. HSF is coordinated by Savonia University of Applied Sciences from Dec 2016. For further information jyri.wuorisalo(at)

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability

ICLEI is the only network of sustainable cities operating worldwide. Global challenges require local solutions and global governance. Protecting the climate, biodiversity, air quality and freshwater resources needs international commitment and cooperation between all levels of government. ICLEI is an Association of over 1,000 local governments that represents the interests of local authorities within the United Nations and at international policy forums. ICLEI is also a movement driving positive change on a global scale through programmes and campaigns on local sustainability and a resource centre offering information, tools, networking, training and consulting services.

Kuopio Convention Bureau

Kuopio Convention Bureau Ltd is Kuopio’s new conference marketing company, whose task is to promote and support the growth of domestic and international conference tourism in the region. The company has a large group of partners consisting of travel businesses and actors in the academic world. Kuopio Convention Bureau Ltd is a subsidiary of Kuopio-Tahko Markkinointi Ltd and began operating on 1 January 2017.

Kuopio Health – Open Innovation Ecosystem

Kuopio Health is a network committed to promoting competence, research and business in the health, wellbeing and nutrition sector, and to provide information about the top competence in our region. Kuopio Health work is based on a model of an open innovation ecosystem. Their aim is to create stronger regional collaboration between research, development and education organizations, and business life and companies. Kuopio Health strongly believe that collaboration is a resource providing a modern platform on which new ideas can grow and develop. Aim is to create 2,000 new jobs in our region by 2030.

Kuopio Living Lab

Kuopio Living Lab is a concept for product development and testing services formed by three expert organisations: Kuopio University Hospital (KUH), the City of Kuopio, and Savonia University of Applied Sciences. Kuopio Living Lab enables the companies in healthcare and wellness technologies to test the product in authentic customer and expert environments, and to provide various services to the companies at different stages of product development from idea to the market.

Kuopio Region Chamber of Commerce

The voice of business with a proactive approach. The Kuopio Region Chamber of Commerce promotes and defends the interests of the business community in Kuopio region. Our chamber is established in 1918. It is one of the fastest growing Chambers of Commerce in Finland with over 800 members including all the leading companies of the region. Our members represent a variety of fields, e.g. industry, trade, services, educational institutes and administration, which enables an effortless co-operation and excellent networking opportunities between the different sectors and influencers of the industrial and commercial world.

Kuopio Region Enterprice Agency

The Kuopio Region Enterprice Agency, funded mainly by the City of Kuopio Business Development Services, is the most natural partner in situations where you are planning to start a business that, at least initially, will operate in the local market. Experienced business advisors provide help with everything related to starting a business. Services are personal, free of charge and strictly confidential for the customers. Startup funding applications and related assessments are also dealt with through the Centre.

Kuopio University Hospital (KUH)

Kuopio University Hospital, KUH, is one of Finland’s five university hospitals. The Hospital conducts internationally respected research, provides high-quality clinical care and trains top specialists for Finnish health care. KUH operates more than 600 beds and employs over 4000 employees. KUH is responsible for specialised medical care for a total of more than 800,000 patients in Central and Eastern Finland. Strong research areas of KUH include both neurosciences and major chronic diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebrovascular disorders, obesity and cancers. The Hospital is located in the Kuopio Science Park and is thus engaged in important collaboration with the Science Park’s research centres and the University of Eastern Finland

Kuopio Water Cluster (KWC)

Kuopio Water Cluster (KWC) – concentrates the research, development and innovation in water-sector in Pohjois-Savo region and Finland. The Cluster offers a one-stop solution for rapid product development, testing and commercialisation services for companies operating in the water technology sector. Kuopio Water Cluster provides access to specialised laboratories, experts, and assisting personnel from all partnering organisations. Laboratory scale tests are combined with custom-made, containerised pilot-scale test-rigs allowing for rapid on-site demonstrations.

Kuopio-Tahko Markkinointi

Tahko Holiday Resort and the city of Kuopio founded a joint marketing organisation, Kuopio–Tahko Markkinointi Oy, in December, 2013. The company vision is to develop and strengthen the existing marketing concept by joint promotion of the unique lakeside city and the multi-functional resort. The organization includes shareholders and representatives of the local enterprises.

Kuopion Yrittäjät

Kuopio Entrepreneurs (Kuopion Yrittäjät) is the largest local association of Savo entrepreneurs (Savon Yrittäjät), whose task is to create opportunities for both entrepreneurs and Kuopio. Kuopio Entrepreneurs strongly believe that entrepreneurship keeps Kuopio vibrant! The future is being made in a good way, and various events related to well-being and networking are organised for members. Social impact is carried out closely with the city of Kuopio’s management, officials and decision-makers, with the aim of growing Kuopio to a city of 200,000 inhabitants by 2040.

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) 

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) promotes bioeconomy and sustainable use of natural resources. Researchers and specialists working in Luke provide new solutions towards the sustainable development of the Finnish bioeconomy and the promotion of new biobased businesses. Luke also monitors natural resources, certifies plant production, inspects control agents, stores genetic resources, produces data on greenhouse gases, supports natural resource policies and produces Finland’s official food and natural resource statistics. The Kuopio unit of Luke is located in Maaninka, 45 km from Kuopio, and it’s research focuses on dairy and grass production.

Nordic sister city cooperation

The Cities Bodø (Norway), Jönköping (Sweden), Kuopio (Finland) ja Svendborg (Denmark) have continued international cooperation for over 70 years. The overall objective is to raise the importance of Nordic social equality and non-discrimination at the global level. Moreover the cooperation agreement for the years 2022 -2029 aims to promote sustainable development and the wellbeing of citizens in the following areas as well as collaboration between experts: wellbeing and involvement of children and young people, know-how and business life, art and culture, leisure and sport. For more information: Business coordinator Johanna Liukkonen tel. +358 44 718 2089.

Savo Consortium for Education

Savo Consortium for Education is composed of Savo Vocational College and Varkaus Upper secondary School. Savo Vocational College is a regional vocational institute located in the heart of the beautiful lake district in Eastern Finland. Savo Vocational College arranges vocational education and training for school leavers and adults, whereas Varkaus Upper Secondary School provides general upper secondary education. Savo Vocational College also provides apprenticeship training. In addition, the college is an active partner to local business life.

Savon Yrittäjät

Savon Yrittäjät (Savo Entrepreneur association) is one of the members of Suomen Yrittäjät (Finland entrepreneur society), a service organization which interest and services are for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their owners. Their task is to improve the position of entrepreneurs and the conditions for entrepreneurship, and to make Finland an entrepreneurial society. As Finland’s largest organization, representing 115,000 enterprises, also the member organization work every day to support free entrepreneurship and an entrepreneur-friendly society.

Savonia University of Applied Sciences

Savonia University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest and most versatile Universities of Applied Sciences in Finland. Savonia educates strong professionals in six different fields of study. The versatile Degree Programmes offer the students the opportunity to study as a fulltime student or alongside their job (Master’s Degree and specialised studies) or flexibly in the Open University of Applied Sciences. Savonia has selected focus areas which are Applied Wellbeing Technology, Innovative Engineering and Energy Industries, Responsible Food Production and Water Safety. The unifying theme in these areas is digital solutions. The philosophy of the focus areas is built on product development, creative experiments, entrepreneurship, innovations, business expertise and internationality. Savonia campuses are located in Kuopio, Iisalmi and Varkaus. Savonia University of Applied Sciences offers a wide variety of product development services for companies, such as testing products and materials in the construction, electricity and food sectors. Their services include EMC laboratory testing, concrete testing, environmental engineering and applied healthcare technology.

Science Technology Park in Opole, Poland

The object of Science and Technology Park in Opole is to stimulate innovative entrepreneurship in an open partnership environment between science, business and local government. The aim of the institution is to create an appropriate scientific – technological platform and technical resources necessary for the voivodeship of Opole.

THL The National Institute for Health and Welfare

THL The National Institute for Health and Welfare studies, monitors, and develops measures to promote the well-being and health of the population in Finland. They gather and produce information based on research and register data. THL also provides expertise and solutions to support decision-making. They serve various parties: the government, municipal and provincial decision-makers, actors in the social welfare and health sector, organisations, the research community, and the public. THL helps their customers and partners to secure quality of life for Finns in a fair but dynamic welfare society.

University of Eastern Finland

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Services is an organisation of experts supporting and promoting the commercialisation of research findings and expertise emerging from the University of Eastern Finland. We work in cooperation with the university’s research groups and business and industry in evaluating the commercial potential of research, and we facilitate knowledge transfer to support the birth of new business activities and entrepreneurship.

VTT Technical research centre of Finland

VTT Technical research centre of Finland is a visionary research, development and innovation partner. They drive sustainable growth and tackle the biggest global challenges of our time and turn them into growth opportunities. VTT goes beyond the obvious to help the society and companies to grow through technological innovations. Kuopio offices of VTT are focused on Health Data Sciences.

WHO Healthy Cities Network

Consists of cities around the WHO European Region that are committed to health and sustainable development, nearly 100 cities and towns from 30 countries.